Alliance of Therapy Dogs Blog
When a facility or event is not working out…
Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) has an exceptional registry of committed, loyal Handlers who follow through on their commitments and ATD applauds each and every one of you. But sometimes a facility or an event [...]
5 Steps to a Successful Therapy Dog Visit
A Successful Therapy Dog Visit Starts with You! Therapy dog visits can be a great way to brighten someone’s day. The magical effect dogs have on humans is undeniable, but we cannot forget about the [...]
7 Places to Visit with Your Therapy Dog This Holiday Season
Bring Smiles and Joy to These Locations This Season The holidays are usually spent with loved ones by our side. Sometimes those we visit are not fortunate enough to have their loved ones nearby for [...]
5 Safety Tips To Consider This Holiday Season
Enjoy a Safe Holiday Season with Your Dog The holidays bring lots of smiles and joy this time of year. While you are busy prepping food and parties, sometimes your dog is not your first [...]
Facility Spotlight: Military Base, USA
Why did you want to bring therapy dogs into your facility? This training command is a service member's first stop after boot camp, so they are often missing home and working to adjust to this [...]
Spreading Smiles and Joy: Why Donating to the Alliance of Therapy Dogs This Holiday Season Makes a Difference
Ways Your Donation to ATD Can Make a Difference Alliance of Therapy Dogs (ATD) has been a charitable 501c3 organization since 1990. We are an international registry of certified therapy dog teams. ATD provides testing, [...]