Alliance of Therapy Dogs Blog
Therapy Dogs May Help Unlock Health Benefits for People in Hospitals in the US
Pet therapy sessions at the hospital are a great way to help patients feel happy. Handlers and their dogs make short visits to the rooms of patients to help relieve stress, depression, and anxiety. Pet [...]
Quick Health Tips & Questions for Dog and Puppy Adoption
Dogs and puppies are some of the sweetest gifts to humanity, and they are hands down the most lovable and caring animals you can ever imagine. Known as man’s best friend, dogs crave love and [...]
Improve Your Mental and Physical Health With Therapy Dogs
There is a long history of using animals to help improve physical and mental health. Not only are they good for the owner, but therapy dogs can also make a big difference regarding the well-being [...]
Running With Your Dog
Even if you're not preparing for a race, your dog may be an excellent running buddy if you're trying to remain in shape. Their availability is unfailing, they'll never let you down, and they're always [...]
Tips To Take Care Of Your Dog’s Hair
For dog owners, grooming their dogs is usually a major concern. After all, you would always want your dog to have the best looks and good health right? One of the key aspects of grooming [...]
Things Your Senior Dog Would Like to Tell You
As dogs get older, their needs change. Making your dog more comfortable in her later years involves paying attention to these changing needs. Having a dog is a pleasure, and your furry friend will be [...]