Dog Owners

3 04, 2024

Dog Conformation Training

2024-04-04T20:02:38+00:00April 3rd, 2024|Certification with ATD, Dog Owners, Stories|

Dog Conformation Training & Being A Therapy Dog Both dog conformation training and therapy dog training require a handler to have patience, determination, and an understanding of their canine’s abilities and body language. A therapy dog needs to be friendly and have a calm demeanor to provide comfort to those in need, while a dog [...]

29 02, 2024

Understanding Dog Body Language

2024-02-29T20:49:02+00:00February 29th, 2024|Dog Owners|

Dog Body Language - What Does It Mean? Do you ever feel confused by dog body language? You’re not alone! It’s easy to misinterpret the meaning of dog body language. For instance, you may see your pup pant and think they’re hot but really they could be feeling anxious. Awareness of canine cues like posture, [...]

8 12, 2023

5 Safety Tips For Walking Your Dog At Night

2024-05-08T14:38:09+00:00December 8th, 2023|Dog Owners|

Walking Your Dog At Night It’s the time of year when the days are shorter and the nights are longer. With longer stretches of darkness comes reduced visibility for pedestrians and their dogs. To keep your nighttime walk routine going throughout the winter, ATD recommends using extra caution to ensure the well-being of both you [...]

28 06, 2023

5 Tips For Traveling With A Therapy Dog

2024-04-03T15:01:25+00:00June 28th, 2023|Dog Owners|

5 Tips For Traveling With A Therapy Dog Windows rolled down, wind whipping through your hair, your favorite playlist on, and your best pup companion in the back -  traveling with a therapy dog can be an adventure! Of course, there is still some preparation that goes into traveling with a therapy dog, no matter [...]

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