Spring Cleaning Tips For Dog Owners

Spring is the season of sprucing! It’s a time to freshen up your space and declutter. For dog owners, this can come with its own set of challenges. From muddy paws to shedding, our canine companions sure make their presence known in the home.

Here are some productive spring cleaning tips for dog owners to help maintain a clean home and keep our furry friends happy.

Muddy Paw Prints

Spring showers may bring flowers – but they also bring muddy yards and streets. When the forecast calls for rain, keep some dog towels near the front or back entrance of your home. This way, you can grab the dog towels for quick paw wipes. You can also use pet-friendly wipes or create a paw-washing station outside to clean your dog’s paws before they step on your clean floors.

Declutter and Donate Dog Items

As you donate items from your closet, consider donating from your dog’s stash as well. Decluttering is a popular spring cleaning tip as it can boost your mood and the energy of your home. Reach out to local animal shelters or pet charities to enquire about their donation policies. Are there dog blankets or towels your dog doesn’t need anymore? By donating these items, you are not only decluttering your home but you are also helping dogs in need. 

Check Dog Equipment

While you are sorting through your dog’s items, check to see if everything looks like it’s in good condition. With the warm weather, you will likely be spending more time outside so if you notice any wear and tear in your dog’s leash or harness, you may need to invest in a new one. It’s also a good idea to check on your dog’s microchip and ensure the contact details are all up to date. Pet parents can also wash their dog’s belongings like bedding and crates with pet-safe cleaning supplies.


When the temperature warms up, your dog’s fur may shed more often. Regular grooming can not only help limit shedding but it can prevent tangles and matting. A well-brushed coat can decrease the amount of hair they shed in the home. If you would like to treat your pooch to a fresh cut, you can book a grooming appointment at your local groomer’s. Keeping your pup’s hair short can also help keep them cool during the summer season.

Spring Yard Cleaning

An essential spring cleaning tip is to inspect your yard to see if there is any winter damage. Have a walk around the perimeter and check to see if the fence is secure. Keep the area safe by removing debris from your property such as broken branches and leaves. Cut tall grass to help prevent ticks.

If you have a backyard, you know it’s one of your dog’s favorite places to be. Help maintain it throughout the spring season to ensure your furry friend has a safe roaming area.

Vet Check-Up

While this isn’t typically on a list of spring cleaning tips, now is a great time to schedule a seasonal veterinary examination! Soon your days will be filled with summer fun, and like your spring chores, you might find yourself pushing check-ups to the fall. Besides checking that your dog is in good health, the veterinarian may suggest flea, tick, and heartworm prevention as the weather warms up. If your dog is due for a vaccination, your veterinarian can administer this as well. Remember, keeping up to date with vaccinations is an essential part of being an Alliance of Therapy Dogs member to maintain insurance coverage and safety on therapy dog visits.

Barks & Blooms

With these spring cleaning tips, you can help enjoy a fresh and clean household while creating a safe environment. Keeping a clean and positive home can not just improve your dog’s wellbeing, but also your own. 

Here’s to a happy and healthy spring!